What can you do with old Mac computers?
12/29/2021 at 8:07 AM
Any Apple fan usually has old Apple devices sitting around that aren’t being used. A lot of old technology is sitting around and collecting dust when it could easily be recycled, sold, or disposed of. This is because people pay a lot of money for their old devices, and they would never even think to throw away their old Mac products. SellYourMac provides Mac users with opportunities to put old Mac computers to use.
Clean Your Mac
Before you think about disposing of your Mac, it is important to clean it out. Here are some tips that will help you tidy up your computer:
- Get rid of large files
- Delete the files on your desktop
- Remove downloads
- Wipe out emails with attachments that take up storage
- Clean out cache files
- Get rid of unwanted duplicate files
After cleaning out the software on your computer, it’s a good idea to clean out the Mac hardware such as the keyboard, mouse, screen, and any peripherals. It is important to give the exterior of your Mac computer a proper clean so that you don’t accidentally damage it. Here’s how:
- Ensure that external power sources, devices, and cables are unplugged.
- Don’t use abrasive cloths, towels, or paper towels. Instead, use a soft cloth that is lint free.
- Excessive wiping might actually end up damaging your computer, so avoid it as much as possible.
- Keep liquid cleaners away from the Mac, unless otherwise instructed.
- Don’t allow moisture to get into the openings.
Recycle Your Mac
Apple has a recycling Program that allows you to recycle your iPad, iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, as well as other devices that get a trade-in value. Even out dated items can still be sent in without trade-in credit.
However, SellYourMac provides higher value than the Apple Recycling Program as well as offering incredible service. You have the benefit of receiving cash for your old apple device, and our purchasing process is just as simple as the Apple Recycling Program.
Apple does not offer cash for the devices you trade-in. This means that you will need to find a third-party trade-in service like SellYourMac if you want to make money. Instead of getting paid in Apple store credit, you will get paid in cash.
Sell Back Your Mac
If you would like to get the most money out of your old Mac computer, SellYourMac is the best option for you. This alternative trade-in method uses an easy transaction, has exceptional customer service, and focuses on creating a sustainable environment.
Get a quote on your obsolete iPhone, Mac, iPad, or Apple Watch today. SellYourMac.com