Can I Get Money For My Old MacBook Pro?
11/23/2021 at 1:14 PM
In short, yes! Many people who are looking to upgrade their Macbooks or get rid of their old ones sell their Macbooks and make a pretty good amount of money from their old devices. There are a few different routes you can take when looking to sell your Macbook.
One option is to take your Macbook to the Apple store and trade it in with their Buy Back Program, though you need to have something new in mind to buy afterwards. When you purchase something new at the Apple Store, you will have an in-store credit for your device.
Company protocols and standards determine this credit amount, and while this choice may be convenient, you're not exactly getting the best value possible for your Macbook. The other option would be to sell your Macbook privately.
At SellYourMac, we specialize in the private selling, buying, and trading-in of all Apple products. Our expert employees give you the best value for your product, and you get your money in cash (PayPal or check), no in-store credits necessary.
Macbook Price Factors
Trying to figure out how much your Macbook is worth can sometimes be tricky. If you look online, there are varying answers for the resale value of each Macbook model that ranges from hardly any money to several hundreds of dollars.
A good general rule of thumb is the more you paid for the product brand new, the more it will be worth when you resell it. A Macbook that retails close to two thousand dollars is worth more reselling than a Macbook that sells for one thousand dollars retail.
There are exceptions to this rule of thumb, though. If your Macbook has extensive internal or external damage, that will almost always lower the value of your device.
The best thing you can do to maximize the resale value of your Macbook is for you to treat it with care for as long as you have it. Not only will this make the device last longer for you personally, but when you go to sell it, you will get a better deal.
Simple things like screen cracks and scratches can hurt the resale value of your Macbook more than you think.
As most people use their Macbooks for either work or school, they often are used frequently. Frequent use is not particularly a bad thing, but if frequent use causes other issues within the device, the value will decrease.
How Quickly Can I Sell My Macbook?
At SellYourMac, our process moves quickly in order to give our customers not only value for their devices but value for their time as well. Selling a Macbook is not exactly the most fun thing you could be doing, so we make sure to keep things moving at a fast pace.
If you are interested in selling your Macbook with SellYourMac, you will provide device details or input the serial number for an instant quote (and a brief description of any issues the device may be having). You can accept the instant quote and input your address information and then you will receive an email with a prepaid shipping label.
Once you ship in your device, it takes 1-2 days for us to evaluate and then we submit your payment via PayPal (no fees) or check!
Get a quote on your obsolete iPhone, Mac, iPad, or Apple Watch today.