How To Leave Group Chat on iPhone
8/13/2023 at 8:28 PM
Have you ever been in a group chat on your iPhone from the Messages app, but been unable to leave the conversation?
Group chats are especially convenient when you are planning a party or a get together, because they allow you to have multiple conversations with several people simultaneously, all in one text chain. But, there may come a time when you are ready to leave the conversation.
In this blog, you'll learn why you can't leave a group chat in Apple Messages, how to exit a conversation on your iPhone, and what to do if you're unable to leave a group text.
Unable to leave a group chat on your iPhone?
We'll tell you why, but first let's start with the basicsâ
There are three different kinds of group chats in Apple Messages a group iMessage, an SMS (Short Message Service) group, and an MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) group. The Messages app auto-selects the type of group text message to send based on your settings, your carrier, and the condition of the network.
If everyone in the group chat is using an Apple device and iMessage is turned on, then the group text message is sent as an iMessage. But, if you send a group text message to individuals who are using an Android device and aren't using iMessage, then the text will be sent as an MMS or SMS message.
*Note: Android users will need to download Google Messages in order to join group chat conversations.
How to differentiate between message types

Apple uses blue speech bubbles for iMessage groups and green text bubbles for SMS/MMS groups. Even if there's only one person in the group chat that's an Android user or non-Apple user, your message type will default to an SMS or MMS group.
Why can't I leave a group chat?
If your group chat is an SMS or MMS group, you aren't given an option to leave because you're not using an instant message platform. Those types of messages instead go through your wireless carrier.
You can however leave a group chat in an iMessage group text, but only when everyone in the conversation is an Apple user.
*Note: With an SMS/MMS group, you can only leave if a minimum of three people are present in the group message thread and all must be using an Apple device.
How To Leave a Group Chat on Your iPhone

As mentioned in the previous section, you can only leave a group chat if everyone in the conversation is using an Apple iPhone or other iOS device such as an iPad. Even if just one group member is using an Android phone, you won't be able to leave the group text. Additionally, there must be at least three people in the text thread. If all of the above is the case, then you can follow these steps to leave the chat:
- Open the group chat in Messages.
- Tap the group icon or group name at the top of the text thread.
- Click on Leave this Conversation at the bottom of the screen and select confirm when prompted (If you're on iOS 14 or earlier, tap the Info button, then tap Leave this Conversation.)
*Note: If you don't see the option to leave the group chat, it might mean that one or more users in the chat isn't using an Apple device with iMessage.
What To Do if You Can't Leave a Group Chat

If you are a part of an SMS/MMS group chat, and there's no way to leave the group conversation, you do have the option to 'silence the noise' by muting the message thread. To mute notifications:
- Open Messages.
- Tap the group icon/name at the top of the text thread.
- Scroll down and toggle the switch on to Hide Alerts (you can also swipe left over the group text message thread and tap on the Alerts button.)
- A crescent moon icon will appear next to the group chat indicating that it's been muted.
- To unmute the group chat, simply swipe left and hit the Alerts button again.
*Note: Hide Alerts only stops notifications for the specific group text message selected, but not for all the messages on your device. You'll still receive all other messages and notifications.
- Why can't I leave group chat on my iPhone? You can only leave a group chat in an iMessage group when everyone in the conversation is an Apple user. If your group text is an SMS or MMS group, you aren't given the option to leave because you're not using an instant message platform.
- How can I leave a group chat on my iPhone? To leave a group chat, open the Messages app, tap the group icon/name, then click on– ˜Leave this Conversation'.
- What should I do if I can't leave a group chat? It's not possible to leave an SMS/MMS group, but you do have the option of muting the message thread to 'silence the noise.' To do this, open the group text in Messages, tap the group icon/name, toggle the switch on to– ˜Hide Alerts', then swipe left over the group text message thread and tap on the– ˜Alerts' button to mute the conversation.