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Work Out While You Work

12/3/2010 at 3:56 AM

With a full day at work it is often hard for people to find time to work out. Some people are able to work out before work, as the Google cyclists do on a regular basis. The group of Googlers, known as, "SF2G," bikes 42 miles to work. Click here to read more about the Google cyclists.

Brian from takes a different approach. I asked the question, "Why not workout while I work?" I found the answer to this question by purchasing a treadmill desk called the "Trek Desk" as seen here.

The Trek Desk is not supportive enough for a Mac Pro and monitor, so a hydraulic desk was necessary to station behind the Trek Desk. The last piece of equipment was a treadmill purchased at, and now the setup was complete! Now I had a fully functional work/workout station he has dubbed as the "iTreadmill."

Not only does the iTreadmill provide an excellent way to burn calories on the job, it also helps to keep focus. I find while my feet are moving it is harder to get distracted. This setup may not be for everyone, but for strictly computer work it is a breeze. Walking at 1.5mph, I can type without errors. Writing is another story, as it is difficult to write legibly while walking.

Walking an average of 5-6 miles a day, I am staying fit on the job. If you work all day at a computer, I highly recommends the iTreadmill setup! Submit a quote to sell your Mac here and I will respond right away without even breaking a sweat.

P.S. For all your Mac geeks who want to know more about the Mac setup in the photo, I am running a 2010 Mac Pro 2.4Ghz 8 Core with 20GB RAM and SSD. The LCD in the photo is a 42" Toshiba LCD TV and there has been a 2nd Apple 27" LED display added since the photo was taken.